
data analytics for startups

8 Ways to Use Data Analytics for Growth in Your Aussie Startup

There’s a lot to unpack regarding data analytics for startups. The main idea of it is that it’s a key factor in tracking growth and problem-solving. Another use for it is as a backup to make presentations for ideas and maintenance on a brand’s campaign and overall growth.

Either way, data analytics proves just how essential it is to have information backed up to prove your point and make effective solutions for an improved growth speed for your business. However, before jumping into the fray with its benefits, you should know that analytics for success requires key strategies and steps. 

Luckily, we found the best way to utilise data analytics and create the best growth strategies.  Even better? We aren’t going to be selfish about these tips and strategies. Learn more about the best practices for data analytics below!

What is Data Analytics?

Sure enough, we do know what data analytics for startups can reap. But do we know what data analytics is? The benefits of data analytics come from its self-explanatory name: analysing raw data.

It takes data analysts to understand the raw data to find any trends and solutions to questions, monitor your campaign growth, and enhance customer experience. This is because the processing it takes with data analysis requires a broad scope of knowledge working between different data.

How to Use Data Analytics to Grow a Startup

We now know what data analytics is and its benefits. So, it’s time to know data analytics for startups and how to use it to advance your business growth. Keep in mind that these strategies can be utilised simultaneously to further improve your Australian startup’s ecosystem.

data analytics for startups
data analytics for startups

Identify Key Metrics for Growth

The first step in any data analytics strategy is to collaborate with the team and identify the key metrics for your business growth. Success is important! But how do you track it? That’s why key metrics, also known as key performance indicators, are important.

Tracking progress and having a goal with each progress is what key metrics are all about. However, you should be careful and collaborate on choosing your key metrics with your team.

Choose key metrics that are measurable, specific, and directly related to the business. This can help your team members check whether a campaign strategy, a business process, or a customer experience is effective.

Improved Customer Acquisition

Data analytics for startups can also improve customer acquisition if utilised perfectly. It’s even useful when using Google Analytics. For startups and their marketing strategies, it’s an absolute necessity.

Marketing is all about attracting customers, and with data analytics, attraction can be achieved more efficiently. The key is to analyse which campaign analytics reach the key metrics faster than the others.

A great method for improving your marketing campaigns is using a/b variants. By checking in on the progress of both variants, you can learn more about what attracts your customers and what doesn’t. This creates a trial-and-error method for your marketing campaigns.

Enhanced Customer Retention

Let’s say you have acquired a great number of customers. That’s wonderful! But how do you keep them interested? Data analytics also has a method to fix that. Monitoring where your customers stay, engage, turn away, and prefer on your website can give enough information on how to retain your customer’s attention.

Data analytics for startups is always about getting helpful information, and this includes learning how to engage better and interact continuously with your customers. 

After all, customer retention is detrimental to customer satisfaction, overall profits, and brand reputation. To utilise data analytics this way, all one would have to do is check in on the cookies each customer has on your website.

Optimised Operations

Another method of utilising startup analytics tools is to identify the errors between operations during the growing stages of a business. Not only does it help streamline management into a smoother method, but it can also improve performance and organisation.

Inefficiencies and conflicting functions can be tracked by analysing the different data received from customer feedback, sales records, trends, and patterns. This helps your brand focus more on what is effective and divide its efforts sufficiently in each area.

Operational efficiency makes turnover rates faster while reducing costs themselves. That’s a big benefit in terms of data analytics for startups whose funding is still growing and limited.

Financial Forecasting

It’s also possible to utilise data analytics to predict any procedures and decisions relevant to accelerated financial growth. This is called financial forecasting and includes analytics of the company’s performance, outside factors, and the incoming trends.

There are different ways to predict your financial growth through data analytics. For startups, it’s crucial to ensure every step is budgeted cost-effectively. Data analysts who focus on financial forecasting take creative evaluation and insight.

Competitive Analysis

Another great method in using data analytics for startups is forming strategies with your team to create a competitive edge against positions. In competitive analysis, checking in on their content, analysing their keywords, and monitoring their reach, is the best way to ensure a collective of proper information to form an educated strategy.

Collaborate with your team members after receiving all the data and its interpretation on how to counterattack and get an edge against your competitors. This will give you a chance to have more customers engage and build relationships with you based on quality.

Product Development

Customer feedback is a big chunk of data that your team of data analysts and marketing can use to tailor the products and services of the brand for better customer satisfaction. However, it isn’t also just about the final product.

Product development also includes checking in on how to optimise creating your products and the steps your brand does to finalise the product. Furthermore, testing is required before publicly releasing the test. All the information and research taken from your product’s development can help your process move faster.

Product development combined with data analytics for startups can help your company utilise your time and funding faster with more efficient results.

Employee Performance

Last but not least on our list of methods to use data analytics is tracking your employee’s 

performance and enhancing them. Keep in mind that this does not mean micromanaging, which is counterproductive and could only result in high turnover rates and loss of investments.

Instead, tracking their tasks and their methods for completing them is important to analyse which areas require improvement and what methods should be done to enhance their performance. 


Now that we know all about the different data analytics for startups it’s time to implement them in your business! Are you ready to make a big change for the better? If anything, leveraging data analytics today exceeds the best for your startup’s future. 

Getting a bit worried about using these strategies the right way? Don’t worry! Partner with us and contact Flexilabs to get ahead of your competition now!