
unique brand identity for startups

10 Tips to Creating a Unique Brand Identity for Startups

Creating a unique brand identity for startups isn’t as difficult as you’d think it might be.

Alright. Maybe I’m underwhelming you a little about the possible challenges. However, it isn’t as difficult as everyone says it is! You see, what people don’t know about startup branding is that it’s very similar to introducing yourself during a date.

Think of it like a first date between your company and your audience. It’s time for both of them to get to know one another, and in this case, your company needs to show why they deserve to build a relationship with them.

Unfortunately, like most dates, these things could go south if you don’t know how to properly introduce your brand to your commercial audience. Lucky for you, we’ve got 10 tips that can help you create the best presentation for your brand’s identity. Remember, first impressions last, so why not make yours the kind that’s hard to remember?

The Importance of a Strong Brand Identity for Startups

Now, here’s the thing: a unique brand identity for startups is essential. Startup branding begins at the very start of the conception of a brand, which means you probably have already done a few things for your brand’s identity without even realising it.

When you create a product or service it’s common to wonder if anyone else feels the same way about it. For example, you want to create a nice soap that smells good and is for sensitive skin. Once you’ve made the product it’s time to reflect on why you made it and who you think would be interested in it.

The next step after that is selling your product or service to the type of people you believe would want it. But the problem begins there: how do you get them to even try or know about your brand?

That’s where brand identity comes in and the more unique your brand is, the more consumers will want to try your product out. 

10 Tips to Creating a Unique Brand Identity for Startups

Let’s discuss 10 brand identity tips that will help you enhance your company’s reputation and overall user experience. Keep in mind that these tips are best used simultaneously for the highest possible outcomes for your company.
unique brand identity for startups

Tip 1: Understand Your Target Audience

The customer is always right and that includes this situation. It’s important to know and define your target audience early in the game. There are certain methods you can use to determine your target market. We suggest using a buyer persona.

Buyer personas are what you call an imagined person based on the data from your sales, your goals, and the commonalities of each customer. In shorter terms, it’s a demographic of those related to or have interacted with your brand.

Once you’ve compiled all this information, create your buyer persona and understand their interests, humour, and motives for interacting with your company.

It’s important to know your audience well to keep them engaged. You can’t exactly create campaigns, content, or designs that they don’t relate to well. If you do, they’ll likely lose interest in your company’s product or services.

Tip 2: Define Your Brand Mission and Values

Business owners should know their goals, their values, and their objectives when creating a unique brand identity for startups. It’ll become the basis of your company’s culture and growth after all.

Establishing core values that your audience prioritises and resonates with can increase your company’s uniqueness in comparison to others. To craft your mission and values, all you have to do is answer these questions:

Is your company environmentally friendly? Are your products vegan? Or is your service professional, cost-effective, and balanced? Why was your brand created in the first place? What does it sell? How is it different from its competition? And, of course, what is your goal for your consumers and your company?

A clear-cut detail of the missions and values instilled in your company should always be thought of with each step your brand makes. That enhances your brand identity and creates a lasting and trusting relationship with your customers. 

Tip 3: Create a Unique Brand Name and Logo

A picture says a thousand words and is even capable of creating a brand identity. A unique brand identity for startups should have a great logo with a memorable name. 

First off, a brand name must be catchy, unique, and eye-catching. It should also match your company’s goals and values. An example of this is us at Flexisource IT. Our goal is to become a flexible source of IT solutions in Australia, which is how we came up with our company name.

Secondly, your brand’s logo. The logo should include or match your company’s overall colour scheme. Brainstorm with your employees the types of words that can describe your brand to collaborate on the logo itself. 

Keep in mind that your brand shouldn’t be too cramped, easy to look at, and memorable enough to associate with your brand. A great example of this is Nike, which practically owns the swoosh mark.

Tip 4: Develop a Consistent Brand Voice and Tone

Consistency is key in any relationship, even with your customers. Your audience will want to learn more about your brand depending on how you interact with them and how you speak with them. 

Maintain your brand’s tone to suit your audience by first reflecting on your company’s target market. You must be adaptive to your audiences’ humour, tone, and goals when interacting with your company. That means always going back to your company’s goals and mission before any announcement, campaign, or event. 

Should you suddenly change your tone of speaking, it could confuse your audience or cause them to lose interest. Always remember how to remain professional, informative, and hospitable alongside a consistent brand voice.

Tip 5: Design a Cohesive Visual Identity

Uniformity is also important in a unique brand identity for startups. Keep in mind that your brand’s visual aesthetic directly reflects its identity.

Your typography, your imagery, and your company colours should always be used when creating campaigns reflected in your company’s visuals. You might think it’s for aesthetic purposes alone, but it’s actually for your audience to associate your brand with your visual identity.

That means if they see the combination of colours, typography, or logo in their day-to-day lives they will naturally think of your brand. 

Tip 6: Build a Compelling Brand Story

Everybody loves an origin story, and it’s only natural that a unique brand identity for startups should include their beginning. A captivating brand story helps your consumers know more about how your product or service was born. 

Every great idea starts with curiosity and it’s the same for every other company idea. Discuss how the brand was born and highlight the most curious parts of its story. Following that is incorporating the beginning of your brand’s narrative into your introductions and pitches.

By doing so, your audience will closely associate your memorable beginning with the company’s authentic story, which will be relatable.

Tip 7: Leverage Social Media and Online Presence

Don’t forget about your digital presence. Now that people have chosen to actively participate on the Internet, social media platforms have become a hub for companies to interact with their target audience.

You will need to consistently post compelling social media campaigns and interact with your customers to build your brand awareness online. There are many methods for leveraging social media. To create a unique brand identity for startups, you’ll need to consistently use your uniform tone and visual identity along with engaging content.

Tip 8: Prioritise Customer Experience

Speaking of engagement, customer experience is highly regarded by any target market. If your brand doesn’t have the customer’s best interest in mind, positive responses, and quick solutions, they will likely receive negative reviews and an infamous reputation.

That’s why you must always prioritise the customer experience. That way, positive and consistent responses will highlight your brand’s unique identity. Not only will they be enticed to purchase your products due to their quality and uniqueness, but you will also gain a sense of loyalty with your customers because of how you treat them.

Tip 9: Gather Feedback and Iterate

Development is important for a unique brand identity for startups. There are many methods to collecting customer feedback and learning more from them yourself on how to improve your brand’s service and products.

Brand development for startups should always improve your customer service, your products, and your overall identity. To do this you and your employees must develop a sense of flexibility and adapt to the changes based on the feedback you’ve received.

Tip 10: Protect Your Brand

It’s important to protect your brand legally as well. Always remember that the uniqueness of your brand could very well be copied by other people. Safeguard its identity, products, and services by having trademarks and copyrights in your hand with every step you take.

That way, not only will you protect the interests of your brand and its employees, but you will also truly be a unique version all on your own.


Did you get all that? Those are the best tips to create a unique brand identity for startups. Hopefully, with all the impressive layouts and eye-catching graphics, you’ll make a lasting impression on your audiences!

Even better? A successful brand identity can expand your company’s market! So what are you waiting for? Contact Flexilabs to become your partner and make that lasting impression now!