
Business plan for startups

10 Steps to Developing a Business Plan for Startups

Embarking on a business venture proves to be more challenging than most people think. You have to juggle a lot of aspects, such as marketing, sales, and operations, with minimal resources and people. For that matter, a lot of startups tend to fail.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2019 and 2020, around 20% of startups fail within the first years of operations. This is mainly due to a lack of funding, selling on the wrong market, and insufficient research.

This is why having a business plan is essential not just for new entrepreneurs but also for seasoned business owners. Business plans not only help secure funds but also assist you in identifying roadblocks and growing your business.

So, in this article, we will learn what a business plan is, its importance, and how to write a business plan for startups.

What is a business plan?

In simple terms, a business plan is like a blueprint for a company. It comprehensively overviews the organisation’s purpose, target market, products or services, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, operational plans, and financial forecasts.

A well-crafted business plan not only helps secure funding from investors or lenders but also acts as a guide for decision-making and monitoring progress. It allows entrepreneurs to assess the feasibility of their ideas and make informed choices about resource allocation.

Why do startups need a business plan?

For startups, having a solid business plan is a company need that is crucial for several reasons, such as the following:

Clarity of Vision

A business plan helps startup founders articulate and clarify their business ideas and vision. It forces them to think through various aspects of their business, such as target market, value proposition, and competitive landscape. This clarity is crucial for guiding the startup’s development and decision-making.

Strategic Direction

A well-crafted business plan outlines the strategic direction of the startup. It defines goals, objectives, and the steps needed to achieve them. This strategic roadmap provides a framework for decision-making and helps the team stay focused on long-term objectives.

Resource Planning

Startups often face resource constraints, including financial, human, and time resources. A business plan helps identify the resources required for different aspects of the business, allowing founders to allocate resources efficiently and make informed decisions about budgeting and hiring.

Risk Management

Entrepreneurs must be aware of potential risks and challenges their startups might encounter. Founders can develop strategies to mitigate these risks and be better prepared for uncertainties by conducting a thorough analysis and addressing potential risks in the business plan,

Funding and Investment

Investors and lenders often require a business plan before considering funding or loans. A well-prepared plan demonstrates to potential investors that the founders have thoroughly considered their business model, market, and financial projections. It increases the startup’s credibility and enhances its chances of securing funding.

Communication Tool

A business plan is a communication tool for internal and external stakeholders. Internally, it helps align team members and ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the business goals and strategies. Externally, it can be shared with partners, advisors, and potential customers to convey the startup’s value proposition and plans.

10 Steps to Developing a Business Plan for Startups

Business plan for startups

1. Create an Executive Summary

The first step in making a business plan is an executive summary. The executive summary provides a snapshot of the vital information and highlights the most important aspects that potential investors or stakeholders need to know. This is important as it significantly shapes their decision-making process. Likewise, it is also essential to grab investors’ attention and interest them in your business plan.

When writing your executive summary, start with a compelling and concise opening statement that grabs the reader’s attention. Then, briefly introduce your company, including its name, location, and mission statement. Thereafter, define the problem your business is addressing and outline your product as a solution.

Also, don’t forget to briefly highlight your target market, revenue model, unique selling point, funding requirements, and other necessary details.

2. Describe Your Company

A business plan for startups should always include a well-crafted company description. A company description provides a clear and concise overview of the company, its purpose, and its unique value proposition. It also allows potential investors and stakeholders to understand the business and its goals comprehensively.

To help you, here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an adequate company description.

  • Begin with a brief introduction to your company. Include the company name, location, and date of establishment.
  • If applicable, include a vision statement that outlines your company’s long-term goals and aspirations.
  • Indicate the legal structure of your business (e.g., LLC, corporation, sole proprietorship).
  • Then, share a brief founding story highlighting the inspiration behind starting the company. This can add a personal touch and context to your business.
  • Afterward, clearly describe the products or services your company offers. Highlight key features and any unique selling points that differentiate your offerings in the market.
  • Also, define your target market by identifying your ideal customer’s demographics, behaviours, and needs.
  • Highlight any significant achievements or milestones your company has reached. This could include awards, partnerships, notable clients, or successful product launches.
  • Briefly mention the core values that guide your company’s culture. This provides insight into the principles that drive decision-making within the organisation.
  • Conclude the company description by briefly mentioning your company’s plans and goals. This could include expansion plans, new product launches, or strategies.

3. Perform Market Research           

Market research is an essential component for the success of any startup. It provides valuable insights into a startup’s target audience, industry trends, and competitive landscape. Likewise, understanding the market allows startups to identify and validate their unique value proposition. This makes it an essential element of a business plan.

To perform market research, do the following steps:

  • Clearly outline the goals of your market research. Identify what specific information you need to gather to support your business plan.
  • Identify Target Market. Understand customer demographics, needs, and preferences.
  • Conduct an Industry Analysis. Study market trends, size, and potential.
  • Gather Customer Feedback. Ask questions about their needs, preferences, and willingness to pay for your product or service.
  • Collect other relevant data. This may include industry reports, government publications, online databases, and academic research to ensure a comprehensive market understanding.
  • Analyse Market Trends and Forecasting. This will help you anticipate changes in customer behaviour and adjust your business plan accordingly.
  • Create Report. Compile findings with visuals for clarity.

This information will not only inform your business plan but also guide your decision-making as your startup evolves. Also, remember that market research is an ongoing process. Regularly revisit and update your findings to stay informed about changes in the market landscape.

4. Conduct A Competitor Research

Competitor research is an essential element of a business plan for startups. It provides valuable insights about your competitors, including their strategies, products, and marketing tactics. These data can help you identify gaps, see opportunities, and make informed decisions on your startup business.

Additionally, competitor research enables startups to benchmark themselves against industry leaders and identify best practices they can adopt. This helps them set realistic goals and develop effective strategies for growth.

To capitalise on these benefits, below is a step-by-step guide to conducting competitor research.

  • Identify Competitors. Begin by listing direct and indirect competitors within your industry or niche.
  • Collect Basic Information. Gather data on competitors’ products or services, pricing, and target customer segments.
  • Evaluate Product or Service Offering. Assess competitors’ offerings’ features, quality, and unique selling points. Identify areas where they excel or fall short.
  • Study Pricing Strategies. Examine how competitors’ price their products or services. Look for any discounts, promotions, or bundled offerings.
  • Assess Marketing and Advertising. Analyse competitors’ marketing channels, advertising campaigns, and promotional activities. Understand how they reach and engage their audience.
  • Customer Reviews and Feedback. Explore customer reviews and feedback on various platforms. Pay attention to what customers appreciate or complain about.
  • Investigate Distribution Channels. Identify how competitors distribute their products—online platforms, retail partnerships, or direct sales.
  • Benchmarking. Compare key performance metrics of your startup against those of your competitors. Identify areas for improvement and differentiation.

Thereafter, use the insights gained to refine your business plan. Adapt your startup’s strategy to capitalise on competitors’ weaknesses and differentiate your offering.

5. Outline Your Management and Team

The team section of a business plan is critically important as it provides potential investors, partners, and stakeholders with insights into the people behind the business. Similarly, it also demonstrates the collective expertise and skills of the team members. Moreover, showing your team and their skills in the business plan can help you enhance the business’s credibility, something a startup needs at the beginning of its business.

Likewise, here is a suggested structure for the team section of your business plan:

  • Begin with a brief executive summary of the team, highlighting their collective expertise and how it aligns with the business’s goals.
  • Then, introduce your founders and leaders.
  • Afterward, identify and describe other key management roles such as Chief Operations Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), etc.
  • If you have additional staff beyond the leadership team, briefly introduce them and their roles.
  • Describe team members’ existing collaborations or partnerships, emphasising how these relationships benefit the business.
  • Discuss future hiring needs as the business scales and how the team will evolve to meet these challenges.

6. Discuss Your Products and Services

One of the most essential aspects of a business plan for startups is your products and services. It is the core and serves as the backbone of any business plan, as it outlines what your business is all about.

As such, provide an in-depth analysis of your offerings. Highlight the unique features and benefits that set your offerings apart from competitors. Explain how your products or services meet the needs of your target market and how they differ from what competitors offer.

Also, discuss the development stage of your products or services, and if applicable, provide information on patents, copyrights, or any intellectual property protection. Additionally, outline your plans for future product or service enhancements to demonstrate long-term viability.

7. Compile Your Business Financials

Financial projections provide a roadmap for the economic future of your startup. Investors will scrutinise this section, so ensure it is thorough and well-supported.

Start by creating a comprehensive financial model that includes income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Provide realistic revenue projections based on market research and a detailed understanding of your target audience.

Likewise, consider different scenarios, such as best-case and worst-case, to demonstrate the flexibility and resilience of your business model.

8. Present Logistics and Operations Plan

The logistics and operations plan details how your business will function daily. And a well-thought-out operations plan demonstrates to investors that you have considered the practical aspects of running your business. Likewise, your business plan for startups should outline the logistics and operations plan.

With that said, detail the critical processes involved in production, distribution, and customer support on your business plan. Additionally, address any potential challenges and risks associated with your operations and provide strategies for mitigating them.

Also, discuss your supply chain management, inventory control, and quality assurance processes to assure investors and stakeholders of your ability to meet demand and maintain product/service quality.

9. Express Your Fund Request

If you’re seeking external funding, this is the section where you make your case. Clearly articulate the financing you need, your intended use, and the expected outcomes. Provide a detailed breakdown of your financial requirements, whether it’s for initial startup costs, operational expenses, or expansion plans. Likewise, back up your funding request with realistic financial projections to instil confidence in potential investors or lenders.

10. Compile Appendices

The appendices section is where you include additional information that supports and enhances the main body of your business plan for startups. While the core of your business plan should be concise and focused, the appendices allow you to provide supplementary details that strengthen your case.

This may include resumes of key team members, detailed market research data, legal documents, and any other relevant information. Ensure that the appendices are well-organised and easy to reference.


In conclusion, developing a business plan for startups is a meticulous process that requires careful consideration of various elements. Still, each step mentioned in this article is crucial in creating a comprehensive roadmap for your startup’s success.

A well-crafted business plan not only serves as a valuable tool for securing funding but also as a guiding document that aligns the entire team’s effort toward common goals. By following these ten steps, you can create a business plan that not only attracts investors but also sets the foundation for the sustainable growth of your startup.

If you need further assistance or guidance in developing your business plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to FlexiLabs. Our experienced team is ready to support you on your entrepreneurial journey. Contact us today!